Parquet Update – It’s Nearly There

I know it’s been a while but I’m finally getting around to putting an update on here about the flooring.

I know none of you out there have been loosing any sleep over the progress of our floor but I thought you might like to have a nosey.

So as you know, we started doing this sometime ago. How long it actually is is debatable. We’ve been using our bedroom as a social space for some time now. Literally every waking moment we spend in there when we’re not at work or doing bits and bobs around the house. As relaxing as that sounds, it’s not the best environment to be sleeping and eating in constantly, unless you’re a student. I’m way past that now. I like to have my separate zones. I think it’s important for you to have zones in your house for different purposes; bedroom  for sleeping, kitchen/living room for eating etc. These lines have completely been blurred and I kind of feel this might be having a detrimental effect to my general well-being. I can’t comment for Stephen but I’m sure he’d agreed that he also can’t wait to have the living room back to being habitable.

Parquet down!

So it finally is down. It’s laid! It took forever.

The Sanding Stage

I think this has been agreeably the worst part of the whole process. After multiple separate hiring occasions of the industrial sander, the house being covered from top to bottom in dust, lots of sanding pads and many frayed tempers. It was done. Smooth as a babies bottom! Yes!

During SandingAfter Sanding








One occasion the sander was broke and was going through sanding paper at a stupidly quick rate. One occasion the dust collection bag split and basically the machine was just pumping saw dust all over the house. It was madness. I’ll be honest, I gave up trying to keep on top of it or getting upset at the mountain of dust appearing on every surface. I think I actually came to terms with my fate and accepted that the house was going to be like this until sanding had stopped.

The process was long. It seemed to take months for the sanding but it was only about a month.

At least he got to play with the big toys!

In the middle of sanding

And for the past 2 months I’ve been going home to this:


I know, i know!! at least is he adhering to his own version of PPE. Yes he’s been being a good boy!

Where we’re at

I say “we” but really I mean Stephen. He’s slogged away every spare moment he has. Every weekend, every evening, trying to hit the milestones and to get through it. I’ll give him all the credit that he’s not given up. I’ve seen him throw planks of wood, be to the point of tears (I think) and loose it too many times to count, but we’re nearly there. I can’t actually believe I’m saying that. *Shocked face*

Ok ok, I’ve built it up enough. Here’s what we’re looking at now


It looks lovely. I’m really proud of him for achieving something he’ll not mind me saying that he didn’t have the skills to do before he started. This photo was taken before he did two coats of varnish but this is pretty much what it looks like.

So we’re just approaching the final stage. It’s my turn to put the work in.

All the paint is bought. Prepping needs to be done but I’m that excited I’ve booked time off work to do it!! Yay!

I can’t wait to show you the finished room. And more importantly I can’t wait to have my living room back.