Unnecessary and Useless Hairstyle – What is the point?

The weekend before last I witnessed what I can only be described as an unnecessary and useless hairstyle.

What happened?

I went out into Barnsley with the significant other. We went to a place called the Grill Pit and indulged in way to much grilled and BBQ food washed down with a number of cocktails and numerous beers.

Afterwards we decided to head upstairs to Jock’s Cavern, which is a cool rock/indie bar where they often have live music.

We settled into the atmosphere and engaged in the drinking and unorganized swaying to covers of popular rock songs.

I love to people watch and spend most of my time squinting (as I barely go “out” with my glasses on). I spotted the regulars: roadies, young overly dressed 18 year olds way too over dressed for the venue, groups of guys on the pull, drunk 50 plus women and a birthday group.

It was all going well until a group of, what I can imagine, were early twenties, fashionable girls. There were four of them. One had long hair, just down. One had a top knot. One had her hair down with some of it clipped up off her face. And the other……… well!

Imagine a top knot but at the back of your head. Only taking the hair of a 4 inch square lower than the crown.

Something like this
Useless Hair Style

In my head I asked the following questions:

  • Did she forget to take it out?
  • Was it that ridiculous that she thought she was setting some kind of trend?
  • Because it was at the back of her head did she not notice it was there?
  • Did someone play a joke on her?
  • Did it have a purpose that wasn’t obvious, like creating a surgery free face lift?The questions kept coming with no logical answer.

I decided I couldn’t be witnessing this so I decided I needed photographic evidence to write a post on here. Emily after a couple of pints/cocktails didn’t have her best judgement at hand…cue reaching for her phone and turning around to take a quick snap on her phone…







I panicked and as quick as I could swung my arm and made it (what I thought) look like I was taking a picture of the bar.

Phew catastrophe avoided! I think…

What’s this girl’s problem?

A lot of people who know me know that I may have struggled for some time to accept that the “top knot” is a thing. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that there was a tending hair style for men. Seemed strange at first. Then came women with top knots. Again it seems odd but I accepted it. I have no idea what this hair style would have even been called: The Back Knot? The No Point at all Knot Who knows?!

In conclusion

I learnt the following things:

  • Drunk Emily cannot and does not remember to turn her flash of when taking photos of unsuspecting targets
  • I will definitely THINK and CHECK before I ever attempt to do this again
  • I have real issues with hairstyles that aren’t practical or look good
  • I can deal with different variations of “top knot” but not a bloody “back knot”