It didn’t even cross my mind to write a post about this until I saw this photo in my gallery on my phone.
I wasn’t even shocked or dissatisfied with what I saw. I do look at the photo and think that if that’s what I’m going to look like, I’m ok with it.
I really don’t know what happened when I turned 30. I don’t know whether I lost part of my conscious that cares what people think of me, I realised someone or whether I just was filled with acceptance or what shell I have.
Being comfortable is not how I would describe myself. Accepting is more accurate. I accept that I am who I am. I accept that I will never find a weight-loss remedy that will make me look like Demi Lovato overnight, these things take commitment, motivation and a hell of a lot of effort. I currently have none of those. I’m just lazy.
Something I still can’t get to grips with is the old cleanse tone and moisturise malarkey. Us women are kind of brainwashed by all these companies that we should be doing this to keep our skin fresh and youthful. Excuse me! I might not look 18 anymore but I don’t think I’m quite looking 31 and I only use moisturiser if I’ve got dry skin and I will admit that I only use cleansing products when I’m trying to wipe away last nights makeup the morning after. I know…. I’m disgusting. That’s like one of the worst things you can do. But… I don’t cake makeup on. I don’t use a trowel for application. To be honest some days I only put mascara on and pencil my eyebrows.
I am a true believer in “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” for two reasons, laziness (as stated above) and that why cover yourself up. Why hide? I know for some people it is a confidence boost. They feel like they will be judged if they don’t have lots of makeup on. There is a lot of judgement to look a certain way. I’m not going to start ranting about how the media is to blame. We all know it has it’s responsibility but peer pressure has a massive blame too. I know for a fact that if I’d grown up in a family or group of friends that were heavily into the whole beauty regime, I would have most definitely taken up the habit. I’m one of the most impressionable people you would ever meet.
I think I’ll just stay being graceful.