My New Lipstick – Barry M Unicorn

So I’m very excited. My newest lipstick arrived yesterday and today I get to try it out.

Before I start I will add that it no way am I being paid to promote this product.

Say hello to Unicorn!

Barry M Unicorn

For those that know me know that tend to favour Barry M make over others due to them being against animal testing and the fact that there products aren’t too expensive. For this make-up novice over here I find them perfect.

My most favourite lipstick up until has been the Genie one. For those who don’t know it’s in a pink and green, the stick is green but when it goes on your skin it turns a voluptuous dark pink on me. And I state reinforce the “ME” part of that statement. I believe the whole idea of the Genie and now the Unicorn is that it doesn’t go the same colour on everyone. Apparently it reacts with the oils in your skin and goes a bespoke colour to you.

How did I find it?

Well I do nearly all of my shopping online and I love Amazon. I was just looking through the new beauty and make-up products and there it was.


I HAD to have it.


I’ve got to work this morning, exciting knowing that I’d got it in my bag. I’ve sat at my desk, got it out and put it on. Not before taking the obligatory before and after photos.

Wearing Barry M Unicorn

As you can see from the photo it’s not a “boom in your face” colour but it’s quite subtle. It’s quite a “juicy” colour if you can describe a lipstick shade that way. I’m quite happy with it. Usually I wear Lush Lip Tint at work as I find I don’t need to reapply it loads and when it fades it doesn’t fade from the centre out and requires hourly top-ups.

It feels nice and moisturised and doesn’t feel like it needs extra.

Overall I’d give it a 7 out of 10. Mainly because the Genie would get a 9 or 10 because I love the colour so much but this one is nice for work.
