Saving the Planet – A Little at a Time

Ok so I’m the worst for jumping on the bandwagon with trends and fads but recently I’ve been more interested in doing good stuff for the planet. No I’m not suddenly going to start hugging trees and protesting. I’m doing my own little contribution saving the planet – a little at a time.

Why did it start?

Well for the last couple of years I’ve made a lot more effort to make sure that I buy make-up and cosmetic products that are animal cruelty free, preferably vegan. Original Source and Lush for cleaning and Barry M mainly for make-up. It wasn’t much but I felt that I was at least doing something.

Then I watched the last series of Blue Planet. Obviously it was meant for educational purposes. I was truly shocked as I’m sure millions of other viewers were of the impact that humans are having on our own planet. The amount of plastic we are dumping in our oceans is frankly shocking.

Basically we’re ruining the planet.

I was touched how they had even addressed the human plastic pollution issue on Finding Dory when I watched it recently.

I no longer put my plastic bottles in the general bin. I always recycle. I even collect everyone’s empty ones from work and bring them home to put in our recycling bin.

After hearing my rants about plastic bottles, one of my colleagues shared a this link with me:

This company are working at removing plastic from the ocean and by buying a bracelet you are removing one pound of crap from the ocean. Go on their website to have a look at what they do.

Within a week I was the proud owner of my bracelet.

Saving the Planet - A Little at a Time

I’m not proclaiming that by me buying this bracelet I’m going to solve all the issues but I do think it helps highlight things. Ideally our government and the rest of the world would start working on our recycling habits. After all we are one of the worst countries for recycling in Europe.

Now I just need some more strategic marketing or friends to send me some other causes to follow and I’m sure I’ll be jumping on those bandwagons with both feet.

Love Emily