You never realise how much you miss sleep until you don't have enough.
I've recently been struggling with insomnia. I'm knackered all day but as soon as I get into bed...BOOM! Wide awake. Well not really wide awake but there is no way my mind is going to stop thinking about work I have to do the next day, how I could move the furniture around, what clothes I'm going to pack on my holiday (which is months away), how much German I can rememeber... It's silly. I've actually found the link to a lack of sleep that is causing my migraines. This is a massive plus. I was struggling to find the trigger. It didn't seem to be any food, any drink, the fluorescent lights at work, being on the computer for too long, women's issues... believe me I've considered the lot. I hadn't had an episode since before Christmas and then last week I had the symptoms everyday. Luckily my migraines aren't as traumatic as some people I know but nevertheless, they take it out of me. I'm really getting frustrated with them. I've been struggling with feeling like I'm just a miserable git and that there isn't anything wrong with me and should stop complaining. I'm just also exhausted. Yesterday, I did some housework and then promptly laid on the sofa and dosed in and out of consciousness. It's not even like I'd had a hangover. I had struggled to get to the sleep the night before but as usual I put a film on in a bed and thought it would lull me off to sleep, but in standard fashion I spent nearly two hours watching Kevin and Perry havin' it "Large" in Ibiza. I've always used tv to get me to sleep. It's always been a comfort. I know I need to distance myself from technology before bed. I know I need to get into a routine. It's just really hard to switch off. It's hard to put your phone down. It's hard to not check the world of Facebook and Instagram just before you go to bed. What happens if something significant happens in the world and I don't see it until the next day? This never happens. I need to start looking after my own self rather than being nosey at others. I would love to deactivate my social media accounts for a while and see if I could live without them but I know I can't, it's like a compulsion. It doesn't help that I'm exposed to them all day everyday at work. I'm not complaining about this though, I enjoy it. Social media and it's effect on people fascinates me. Today I made the trip to Lush and bought myself some Twilight spray and some bedtime lavender based body lotion. I've been advised that these are good. I'm really more than happy to give these a whirl rather than having to go down the sleep medication route just yet. I shall give my feedback on both of these products once I've given them a good go. Hopefully I will find an easy way out of this.